Photo Property of Leighann Kowalsky. All Rights Reserved
I thought I would get up in the middle of class and hug the teacher right at that very moment.
I've been dreading for years math class, science class, anything class that decides that there is one answer to every question. My head just screams at me "NO! WHAT IF..." and proceeds to apply every question to a situation which disproves the idea that there is just one answer.
One teacher, in class, just the other morning, stated "There is no absolute. To everything, there is an obverse.
It's the paradox of life"
Fact of life, theme of mine, THANK YOU!, PROFESSOR!, for
proving my own sanity to me with one statement.
There is no absolute, everything is so very moveable and changeable and every decision, answer and thought need to be thoroughly processed and applied to a very specific situation. Beyond thinking things through, it is unreal how important it is to know that there is more than one answer.
That is the art of life. The beauty. That is where we get to be individuals. Free will kicks in, in this little moment where you get to choose what's right for you. There is more than one "best way to do things". Beyond an openness to application and critical thinking, be open as well, to
more than one right answer.
A friend of mine, currently, is struggling between two women. One whom he has toiled with for years. They know each other in and out, left and right, up and down. Fears, secrets, thoughts, dreams. There is a bond between "Johnny" and "Jill" that very few people understand or will ever experience. Admiration, appreciation and love
all exist cohesively. You know exactly where I'm going with this.
Johnny's other "right answer" is June. Clean, fresh, new. They know little about eachother except what blurts our of their busy little thinking minds. But it feels right. It feels good, and maybe it doesn't even feel like love but
it doesn't have to be. They fit together physically, emotionally, and mentally.
As an outsider, the situation is clear. But having dealt with similar emotions, I can understand Johnny's restraint.
As human beings, we seek comfort. Homeostasis. Peace and quiet and we like what we know. However, like my memory box from the previous post, sometimes it's time to let go, even if you thought you never could. Sometimes it's time to about-face, and
clean up. It's time for a new adventure.