Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Photo Property of Leighann Kowalsky. All Rights Reserved.

This evening I spent 75 minutes in a lecture hall discussing whether or not LIFE could be found elsewhere, beyond our earth. First of all, how unbelievably loaded is that question?

What constitutes life? What is proof? Etc.

Needless to say it quickly and momentarily became a philosophy class. (just before it turned into an argumentative debate, thank you Bryan)

Beyond opinions, proof, faith, life, definitions and formulas there is an attribute that every mind must take into consideration. Every human being has an unbelievably intricate brain that processes information in an unbelievably different way. Each of us has had a life's worth of experience that forms our opinions, ideals and morals, and each of us draws from that experience unconsciously.

This is all well and good; quite lovely and phenomenal, actually.

What gets me is when I can hear the Discovery Channel Narrator talking, and not the 20-something college student. So few young people draw their own conclusions. It is disheartening to see brilliant minds just spitting back out precisely what their parent told them at the dinner table, without first digesting that information, putting it to the test and questioning it's likelihood based on one's own experience. This is the very definition of a creative mind! Original thinking!
Take every thought captive. Process, question, and for goodness sake think for yourself!

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