Thursday, June 2, 2011


I get cranio-sacral therapy because I have possibly one of the most oddly designed body and health systems on the earth. Although that is a story in itself, the actual therapy is ridiculously fascinating, and as I laid there on the table, I had an hour long session to compare it to life itself, as I do, because I'm weird.

First things first, you are powerless. Laying horizontal on a table. No feet on the ground, no head in the clouds. The focus is the spinal column, spanning from the Sacrum to the Cranium, and the spinal fluid that flows between and around the column.

The therapy essentially checks in on the flow of that fluid, and unjams any vertebrae that may be holding up the flow. The lack of proper flow has a list of negative effects the length of the Great Wall, just know it's bad news.

I'm no doctor, but there is a certain part of your sacram where when tipped back, it opens up and lets a rush of fluid flow through the rest of the column. You then tip it back to be sure the fluid will rush back in - and thus you'd have an open gate - good health.

My gate opens wide open, and apparently has a great rush. But it won't never sucks back the fluid. It dries up, and remains stagnant. Only rushes it out into the rest of the column....

Here I go being all philosophical. How much "fluid" or "energy" do I pour into everything except ME? And how equally long is that list of negative effects when my energy gate is closed?

One effect of poor spinal fluid flow - which I have witnessed, thank you spinal tap, I hate you - is literally a knock to the floor. You feel like your brain falls out of your head; you go out of your mind.

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