Sunday, July 24, 2011


New York is experiencing a heatwave to the tune of 100-110 degrees fahrenheit. Oh it's good fun, I can assure you. We are in day 4, and expecting Day 5 tomorrow.

As I was driving along, windows down (my AC needs a good re-charge, and hey, a little sweat is good for the skin, right?) sweating uncontrollably, I realized that we all were. And that was that.

Sweating on a hot day is the only naturally occurring bodily function that we don't need to apologize for or feel embaressed about because honestly, we all get's hot. When generally any other bodily function without clear explanation is seen as a flaw, walking into a grocery story with sweat stains on my back and arms is completely normal, and nobody gives it a second glance. I find this absolutely fascinating. First that there is ANY bodily function that society can grant an excuse for (excuse yourself after you sneeze, burp, yawn...don't even think about flatulating...), and second...that it is SO completely forgiven. Completely. Maybe society isn't quite as jaded as I had pinned it for after all. Every once and again, it comes up with somethin to remind me it has a sense of humor.

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